Sunday, 12 August 2012


Make sure you learn it!!!
Deflect- Draw someone's attention away from something.
Assail-  Attack in speech or writing.
Illicit-  Contrary to or forbidden by law.
Laconic- Brief and to the point; effectively cut short.
Parry-  Avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues).
Beleaguer-  Annoy persistently.
Furor- A sudden outburst (as of protest).
Coterie-  An exclusive circle of people with a common purpose.
Tycoon- A very wealthy or powerful businessman.
Rebut- Overthrow by argument, evidence, or proof.


Public Speaking rocks!!!(or not?)

Hi everyone. Finally we came to the end of our English class which was tested on our public speaking skills. All i can say is well done to everyone of us and i enjoyed watching and listening to you all speaking in front of the crowd. I am sure everyone had an adrenaline rush when being called up. Haha. That applied to me as well. Anyway, congratulation for being able to face our most fear activity and it has been a pleasure meeting everyone. Well, time to enjoy and embrace our upcoming holidays. I can't wait for it. LOL. But first STUDY!!!

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Reading is fun!!!

Today, everyone of us had the chance to read stories in the class. Thanks to Emerlyn's enthusiasm, my group was the first one to perform in front of the people. Before that, we practised for a lot of times to perfect our reading skills. I was the narrator 2 and servant 1 in the Tale of Wali Dad. I love this story because Wali Dad is such a down to earth kind of person. He does not take things for granted. Even though he receives enormous gifts from both the King and Queen, he chooses to send the presents back to them respectively and finally when they meet at his place, the King and Queen fall in love. Isn't that a good thing? To bring two  strangers together and live happily ever after. Anyway i felt happy to complete our reading first because we could enjoy watching the other groups. However our grades were kinda low and it caused everyone to be down. It was unexpected to me because i assume that reading is such a simple task that as long as everyone reads their parts smoothly and fluently, it would be easy for us to score a good grade. But what Ms Crescentia said was right. Reading is about portraying the characters and expressing their thoughts and emotions. We have to understand their personality and put ourselves in their shoes. In this way, we could be like them and the audience can understand and connect with us while we are reading. The messages would be effectively conveyed in this manner. And scores are not important as long as we enjoyed the process of reading. I admit that i love doing this together with my friends as a group.It was an enjoyable process and i hope everyone would love it too. So basically this was the last class for ECS and i really enjoy being together with ya all. Thanks to Ms Sheba and Ms Crescentia for their guidance and hardwork for trying to bring us up to a whole new level. Good luck to all of us on the coming Monday and i wish you guys all the best!!!

Wednesday, 1 August 2012


Encompass: Include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one's sphere or territory.
Intractable: Not tractable; difficult to manage or mold.
Plausible: Apparently reasonable and valid, and truthful.
Wistful: Showing pensive sadness.
Squander: Spend thoughtlessly; throw away.
Indweller: A person who inhabits a particular place.
Garret: Floor consisting of open space at the top of a house just below roof; often used for storage.
Draggle: Make wet and dirty, as from rain.
Deliquium: A spontaneous loss of consciousness caused by insufficient blood to the brain.
Brash: Offensively bold.

Let us speak publicly AND bravely!!!

As this is an English class, we can't run away from speaking in front of the class. As much as i wanted to escape, my conscious mind refrained me from running out like a coward. So everyone formed and sat in a circle, facing each other and began to talk about ourselves. Lovely Miss Sheba allowed us to prepare some notes for the talk but sadly due to time constrain, i only managed to squeeze out a few lines from my brain. Well, a girl's gotta do what a girls's gotta do. While anxiously waiting for my turn, i listened to the others talking about their personal lives. I have to admit that i am quite surprised to know the events that happened in their lives, such as involving in an accident, getting robbed in the house, having dreams which serves as a premonition and so on. It is good to get to know their personal lives as this encourages friendship. I talked about my working experience during holidays. I screwed up once but i managed to work for 5 months for the next job. This is one of the memorable experiences for me and through this i knew it is tough working in the society especially dealing with different kinds of people daily and it is impossible to fulfill every single needs. This session was just a short practice for us to get familiar with the toastmaster style. For those who want to have a greater information about it you can view it here. We have to do public speaking officially on 6th August. I am sure this would be a nerve wrecking experience to most of us. All i can say is good luck and try your best!!! God bless everyone of us. ^__^